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Product Information - El Salvador Villa Galicia

Villa Galicia

Origin : Apaneca, Ahuachapán, El Salvador
Varietal : Bourbon, Pacas 
Process : Honey
Altitude : 1500masl 
Harvest : November - February

El Salvador coffee

El Salvador is divieded into 14 departments for administrative purposes, subdivided into 262 municipalities. The country is a unitary state.
Apaneca is a municipality in the Ahuachapán department of El Salvador. 

Villa Galicia is located in the region of Ataco, in west side of Apaneca. The red clay soil of this farm, combined with 50% natural shade coverage creates a very rich and temperate climate for coffee plants to develop.

Fragment Coffee Roasters

The producer, Maurico Salaverria is one of the most dedicated legends to coffee in El Salvador. He takes great care through all steps of production. Every lot is tracked by harvest dates, and his processing facilities are immaculate.

Villa Galicia honey process

The honey processed coffee at Villa Galicia is more than well-known.
To move the thick and sticky coffee beans covered by its mucilage onto African raised beds isn't easy at all. The harder part is that the stick coffee beans are  required to be constantly turned by the farmers to evenly dry. The farmers keep flipping the beans every 30 minutes before the coffee mucilage gets stuck on each other with no break, over night for the first couple of days until they find the surface of the coffee are not sticky. They go through the rest of the processing as they dry the coffees to the moisture content, hitting a targeted number which is 11-12% in general prior to the completion processing in a dry mill.

We have roasted this coffee medium, somewhere between filter roast and espresso roast, thus the coffee would be suitable on both espresso machine and filter coffee brewers.

This coffee has got a good quality brightness in cups; we find it very different from generic coffee quality from El Salvador.

  • (Often) It presents the range of citric flavours such as orange / tangerine / blood orange
  • (Always) The sweetness is reminiscent of caramel / toffee
  • (Often) The body is heavy, creamy, and thick but it can vary depending on different extractions

Also we have found this coffee consistently orange-like, caramelly during our production cupping & tasting with plenty of various brewing methods, so most of you are likely to get those as well.

It is roasted for both filter coffee and espresso, particularly the best on pour-over tools with the rough recipe as below.

  • Brewing ratio : 1(coffee) to 16-17(brewing water)
  • Brewing time : around 02:30 to extract the most pleasant sugar level of this coffee
  • Brewing water temperature : over 93 degrees Celsius water.

It is also very good with immersion methods such as Clever or Plunger.

  • Brewing ratio : 1(coffee) to 15(brewing water)
  • Brewing time : 4 to 5 minutes (coarse grind size)
  • Brewing water temperature : over 94 degrees Celsius water.

Try this reference recipe on an espresso machine,

  • 20g dose in 20g basket
  • Brewing time 23 seconds (on EK-43)
  • 36g to 40g out
  • Brewing water temperature : 94 degrees Celsius water.

    Maurico Salaverria